The following is a transcript of a presentation made by Elder Dengure SID ASI President, at the 2024 Zimbabwe Tri-Union Convention in Bulawayo.

We've got our SID convention coming up. Yes, we've got our SID convention, and this time, it’s in Lilongwe. Let’s meet in Lilongwe, Malawi! The program is already fast-moving forward, and we’re excited.
We also have our project. Fortunately or unfortunately, President Stanley Kondongwe is the project manager of one of the projects in Angola that we pledged to finish. You remember? I’ve seen some of the guys here who have offered pledges. I will negotiate. Yes, I will do that.
According to the program, the topic says: What is ASI and why?
Why ASI?
Well, ASI is a mandate, and it’s simple. It supports the mission of the church. Amen. In other words, ASI cannot do without the church. Let me repeat that: ASI will never do without the church. However, the church can do without us.
Now, what is the mandate of ASI? We must preach, and if necessary, then we use words. What this means is that ASI is about preaching using actions. What we need now is to preach without words. If it becomes necessary, then we can say, “God loves you.” But as we do this, we speak through actions and things that impact the community. That’s the reason for ASI.
If we gather here without this mission, then something is amiss.
Networking and Collaboration
The second point is this: when we come here, we network. Let’s network! You can’t go alone. You need one another. Do you remember the guy in the Bible, the one Jesus mentioned in His parable? This guy was traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho. Do you remember this guy from Luke 10?
He arranged his journey and told his servant, “I’m going to Jericho because there are deals in Jericho.” Now, obviously, you wouldn’t leave Jerusalem because Jerusalem was better than Jericho. But something good was happening in Jericho—maybe gold or something valuable.
You know us Zimbabweans: the moment we hear there’s gold somewhere, even in someone’s backyard, we’ll go and dig it out! So, this guy went to Jericho, saying, “Don’t tell my neighbor; I want to go alone.” And for sure, he went. But what happened? He was mugged and beaten to near death.
Let me tell you this: if this guy had gone to his friend and said, “There’s gold in Jericho; let’s go together, for two are better than one,” he wouldn’t have been mugged.
But here’s your challenge: you want to do everything alone. You want to own everything yourself. You want to be rich by yourself. One day, you’ll be mugged! And, unfortunately, there won’t be a good Samaritan in your story.
So, the mission of ASI is simple: we can go far together. Let’s work together. Let’s have consortiums. When we’ve formed consortiums, we must preach, and if necessary, use words.

Hard Work and Initiative
Let the young man in his desperation go out and hunt. If he kills the elephant, his poverty ends. If the elephant kills him, his poverty ends also.
listen: The qoute says in your quest, go out and hunt. There’s no money coming to you if you sit at home. Will fish come out of Lake Chivero, jump past Kuwadzana, Highfields, and land into my garage where I keep my hooks and fishing gear? That would be strange, wouldn’t it?
Nothing will happen if you don’t go out. Nothing will happen if you don’t work. So, my brother, ASI’s mandate is to empower you. You need to work.
Stop saying, “I want this; I want that. If the government changes, maybe things will improve.” Hey, nothing will change until you change and start working. No government will hand you free money. Poverty is a disease. Poverty is Satan! Yes, I said it: Poverty is Satan!
What am I saying to you today? ASI. Here, we meet and mingle. Learn the ability to talk to people because, in people, there is money. You can have 10,000 cabbages, but if you don’t like the people who’ll buy your cabbages, what good are they?
This symposium is simple: know people by their names. Learn to greet people with a smile. Learn to talk.
ASI Projects and Achievements
Now, let’s highlight some things. Our pastors are here, and they can tell us what ASI is doing from Mutare to Beitbridge. Many projects are happening, and the biggest of them all is a hospital being built in Nyazura. It’s fantastic!
If they did it in Mount Darwin, why can’t we do it too? This is the mission of ASI, ladies and gentlemen. You are not lost; this is the right place.
We also have big guys here who’ve made a difference. Maybe a handshake with one of them will change your life. So, please, keep meeting. Keep networking. Let’s form consortiums. And when we’ve made the money, we go back to the church and preach.
Final Words
And finally, if he kills the elephant, his poverty ends. My brother, Your problem is you look sick. You are not sick, You need money.
You look sick because your wife says she needs money.
At ASI, we teach you how to make money. We don’t give out money. If you’ve received money from ASI, something is wrong. Go to your corner and pray, saying, “Lord, I received something I wasn’t supposed to be given.”
We teach you how to work and make money. The minerals in Zimbabwe won’t come to your doorstep—you’ve got to dig. My brother, dig! Put up notices that say, “I dig wells,” and tell them, “I’m faster than the hole-making machine.”
Arrange to kill an elephant. Your wife will leave you, not because you’re not an elder or a deacon, but because you don’t have money. And remember: money answereth all things.
Sometimes, my friend, you must die trying. Poverty ends when you work hard.
I’m happy to be part of this August house, supporting this mission. ASI is in me, and I’m proud to be part of this community. Let’s pay our subscriptions and support the mission.
Some of you want free things, but change your mentality. Free money won’t fall from heaven. Work hard and think. Don’t just work hard—think too. And if you can’t think, let your wife think for you! (That’s a joke!)
Humor is the best medicine. May God bless you as we do His work and as we network. Amen.