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Power in Numbers

Commentary on an address made by Elder Tagwirei at the ASI 2024 Tri-Union Convention in Bulawayo.

A united people resemble an army
A united people resemble an army

In his address, Elder Tagwirei used a variety of illustrative examples and biblical references to emphasize the themes of wealth, collective effort, and aligning personal and group prosperity with divine purpose. His speech covered a wide spectrum of topics, blending contemporary issues with theological insights to deliver a thought-provoking message.

The Power of Wealth and Its Purpose

Elder Tagwirei said, “There’s a man called Elon Musk.” He began by recounting Musk's response to a deeply personal challenge involving his child, who underwent gender reassignment without Musk's consent. This situation, according to Elder Tagwirei, became the catalyst for Musk's acquisition of Twitter (now X) at the cost of $44 billion. Elder Tagwirei said, “When you have wealth, you have power.” He highlighted how Musk utilized his wealth not only to voice his concerns about transgender issues but also to challenge broader societal movements and political ideologies he disagreed with.

The narrative served to illustrate that wealth can be a tool for influence and change, but it comes with responsibilities and conditions. Elder Tagwirei said, “If you don’t understand that, don’t ask for that power. It will kill you.” He cautioned that seeking wealth without understanding its divine purpose could lead to ruin.

Biblical Foundations of Wealth and Collective Power

Drawing on biblical examples, Elder Tagwirei said, “Moses was speaking to the children of Israel as they were about to cross over.” He pointed out that the Israelites were promised land—a foundational source of wealth. He explained that true wealth comes not from servitude or employment but from owning resources like land. Elder Tagwirei said, “Do not be fooled. You don’t get wealth from working except for leveraging it.”

He elaborated that wealth, in the biblical sense, is not merely individual but collective. Elder Tagwirei said, “When many of you are wealthy, then we form what is called an army.” He stressed the importance of uniting resources and efforts to form a powerful collective capable of achieving divine objectives. This collective wealth, he argued, is essential for establishing God’s covenant on earth.

Elder K Tagwirei
Elder K Tagwirei

Lessons from History and Practical Applications

Elder Tagwirei delved into historical examples, such as the Israelites in Egypt, who were instructed by God to collect gold and other resources. Elder Tagwirei said, “They did not know what they were going to use that gold for.” It became clear only later, when they were tasked with building a sanctuary for God. This story underscored the importance of preparing and pooling resources for a higher purpose, even when the immediate use is unclear.

Turning to the present, Elder Tagwirei said, “Opportunity comes from adversity, but opportunity can also bring adversity.” He encouraged the audience to view Zimbabwe’s challenges as a breeding ground for innovative solutions and collective advancement. He highlighted the strength of the Adventist community, noting their significant numbers and resources, which position them as a formidable force for good.

A Vision for Economic Empowerment

Elder Tagwirei proposed a bold economic vision centered on collaboration and strategic investment. Elder Tagwirei said, “We are in an army. When we are together, we have power.” He criticized the fragmentation within communities, where individuals often compete unnecessarily instead of working together. As an example, he suggested the establishment of a textile company to produce uniforms for Adventist schools and organizations. Elder Tagwirei said, “We don’t have to hunt for a market. The market we have, it’s us.”

He outlined a practical investment strategy, urging members to contribute modest amounts—such as $5 or $500—to a communal fund. This fund would be used to establish businesses that serve the community's needs while generating profits. Elder Tagwirei said, “Let us set up a fund that contributes the money required... and issue you with a certificate for your participation.” He emphasized that these ventures should not be seen as charity but as mutually beneficial investments.

Addressing Skepticism and Building Trust

Acknowledging the mistrust that often hampers collective efforts, Elder Tagwirei said, “The issue that we struggle with is that it’s an important idea, but we can’t invest in Pofu’s idea. Then we start asking, where does he come from? Who’s father is he?” He urged the audience to overcome these biases and focus on the potential benefits of unity and shared purpose.

To build trust, he proposed transparent systems and accountability. Elder Tagwirei said, “When someone puts $100, $200, they are expecting a return.” He stressed the importance of delivering on these expectations to maintain credibility and encourage further collaboration.

The Spiritual Dimension of Wealth

Throughout his address, Elder Tagwirei consistently tied the pursuit of wealth back to its spiritual purpose. Elder Tagwirei said, “We are an army to establish the covenant.” He reminded the audience that their ultimate goal is not personal enrichment but the advancement of God’s kingdom. Elder Tagwirei said, “We are pilgrims and strangers in this land. So we must give because we went into Pharaoh’s house and got gold and silver to build his covenant in people’s hearts.”

Closing Call to Action

Elder Tagwirei concluded with a passionate call for unity and action. Elder Tagwirei said, “Let us see whether God will not come and help us.” He urged the audience to embrace their collective strength, invest in shared initiatives, and trust in God’s guidance to achieve their goals. His message was both a challenge and an inspiration, urging the community to rise above individualism and work together for a greater purpose.

Through his speech, Elder Tagwirei presented a compelling vision of how wealth, when aligned with divine purpose and collective effort, can transform lives and communities.


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