Greetings ASI
I am very much excited that by the Grace of God we are already in the second month of the year. I am glad this publication continues to lend a voice to our strong national membership, highlighting stories of resilence and success as well as those of astounding dedication to the mission of the SDA Church.
This month’s theme is about fitting into spaces where people do not expect you to fit in. Its about defying norms and excelling with your God given talents despite other people thinking otherwise. This theme is accurately epitomised by Mrs Liza Zindoga, an engineer par-excellence charting her course in a male dominated field. All of us can relate to this scenario, where you are gripped by imposter syndrome because of excelling beyond confining boxes of gender, tribe or nationality. Most of us have had to excell beyond societal limitations and expectations because when God calls you, He sees no race, color or background, He only sees a soul He needs in service for the advancement of his kingdom in that field.
I continue to call upon each one of us to continue being beacons of hope in a dark world, gripped by corruption, graft, pornography, homosexuality and medicority of any kind as we await for the soon coming of our Savior Jesus Christ. The clarion call remains “Occupy till I come”. We shall occupy all spaces without shame, be it business, law, accounting, mining, construction, medicine and all manner of economic activity, directing reasonable portions of our income to the advancement of our Lord’s Mission!
Be blessed ASI and happy reading.
